Scientist in Charge I. C. Felli / R. Pierattelli
Polo Scientifico
University of Florence
Via L. Sacconi 6
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Florence)
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CERM www.cerm.unifi.it
Polo Scientificio www.polosci.unifi.it
University of Florence www.unifi.it

Short description about CERM

The Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM), directed by Prof. Lucia Banci, is a "center for research, transfer and higher education" at the University of Florence. It is also the laboratory of CIRMMP. CERM is an infrastructure for the Life Sciences in general and structural biology in particular.

Coordinator; NEM; leader of WP1 and WP5; the scientific role will be primarily the development and application of 13C direct-detection NMR tools tailored for the study of IDP.

Key competences and facilities
The primary scientific competence of CERM is NMR spectroscopy. It specializes also in bioinformatics, molecular biology, protein functional characterization and structural determination. NMR spectrometers from 400 MHz to 900 MHz are available both for solution and solid-state NMR.  Several instruments are equipped with specialized probeheads, including cryogenically-cooled multinuclear probeheads (including a a prototype probehead specifically designed for 13C-direct detection NMR experiments). Many networked UNIX and Linux workstations, a 32-node cluster and fast access to the national center CINECA provide the computing power to analyze data and perform calculations. An advanced biotechnology laboratory is part of the infrastructure with EPR, CD, stopped-flow, plasmon resonance, fluorimetry, UV-visible spectrophotometers, isothermal microcalorimeter and differential scanning calorimeter, atomic absorption (ICP-MS), light scattering, and microarray scanner.  Extensive facilities are available for protein expression, purification, and characterization. Laboratories equipped for mass spectrometry (ESI and MALDI-TOF), X-ray diffractometry, and high field EPR flank the NMR infrastructure. Access to the research infrastructure if provided to external European users (EUNMR, www.eunmr.eu; EASTNMR, www.eastnmr.eu)  as well as to the e-NMR (www.enmr.eu) virtual research infrastructure which exploits GRID technology. CERM is the core center for NMR of INSTRUCT (www.instruct-fp7.eu).

Key persons
Isabella C. Felli, IDPbyNMR Coordinator, Associate Professor of Chemistry and member of the Supervisory Board of the Doctorate in Chemistry and in Structural Biology of the University of Florence; Roberta Pierattelli, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Supervisory Board of the International Doctorate in Structural Biology of the University of Florence; Francesca Morelli, PhD, Network Educational Manager.

Previous training programs and research
CERM directed by Prof. Lucia Banci has been involved in numerous international scientific collaborations, part of which have received funding from the EC FP, and Marie Curie training initiatives. CERM is the reference institution for the International Doctorate in Structural Biology, organized in collaboration with the Universities of Frankfurt and Utrecht. The CERM faculty members are also involved in teaching (undergraduate, PhD courses), and organize countless seminars and practical courses for the training of internal personnel.


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IDP by NMR is a Marie Curie
activity funded under
FP7 people programme