Giotto Biotech

Scientist-in-Charge Tania Kozyreva
Giotto Biotech

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Short description about Giotto Biotech

Giotto Biotech Srl is a research-intensive small-medium enterprise (SME) that aims to contribute to the biomedical sciences by providing enabling products and services, with a focus on technologies complementary to the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The company's mission is to flank researchers in their quest for scientific excellence.  Focus areas are production of proteins labeled with stable isotopes and of synthetic polypeptides with site-specific labeling, development of algae as cell factories, NMR services and information technologies.

Giotto Biotech will contribute to the project by providing a strong expertise in proteins expression and purification as well as in bioinformatics and structural biology analysis.

Key competences and facilities
Giotto Biotech aims to provide a full range of basic “rough” materials needed for research in the biomedical sciences in custom manufacturing, and consulting services. Among the proteins produced by the staff of Giotto Biotech there are matrix metalloproteinase, the family of S100s, proteins that bind Fe-S cluster, superoxide dismutase and intrinsically disordered proteins such as beta-amyloid and alpha-synuclein. The services include NMR metabolomics, and the statistical analysis. The exploitation of algae as cell factories is the line of research and advanced development. A deepening of the other lines is currently underway.

Key persons
Tatiana Kozyreva is the R&D-proteins manager. She obtained a PhD degree in Structural Biology at CERM. Her main skills are in the field of molecular biology.
Giotto Biotech is also supervised by a team of scientists, among which Prof. Claudio Luchinat and Prof. Lucia Banci, both experts in NMR and associated technologies, Prof. Cristina Nativi (expert in organic synthesis) and Prof. Mario Tredici (expert in algae technologies).
Giotto Biotech was founded by the late Ivano Bertini. He studied the structure-function relationship of metalloproteins through biophysical methods since 1975 and in 1999 founded the present Magnetic Resonance Center (CERM) at the University of Florence in an independent and prestigious building hosting an impressive battery of NMR spectrometers. The Center constitutes a major NMR infrastructure in the Life Sciences. Other co-founders are Claudio Luchinat and Lucia Banci.

Previous training programs and research
Giotto Biotech took part in the national Projects MAPI-INT and BIOLABEL, LUS BUBBLES and Pathway.
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