Scientist-in-Charge D. Svergun
European Molecular Biology Laboratory

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Short description about EMBL

EMBL, Hamburg Outstation, has an extensive experience in provision of synchrotron radiation to the biological community, in international collaborations and in training of young and experienced researchers through EMBL PhD programme and a system of fellowships. The BioSAXS group of EMBL-Hamburg has a world leading position in the field of biological SAXS from macromolecular solutions and is involved in numerous collaborative projects.

The EMBL partner will provide expertise in the field of biological SAXS studies of IDPs, including on-site courses, training of the young researchers in synchrotron radiation SAXS and methods development in the joint use of SAXS with NMR. Leader of WP3.

Key competences and facilities
The BioSAXS group runs a synchrotron SAXS beamline X33 of the EMBL at the DORIS-III storage ring equipped with the world first robotic sample changer for solutions and the automated data analysis pipeline. X33 is regularly used for experimental work in practical courses. EMBL Outstation in Hamburg possesses rich experience and facilities for research, conferences and training, regularly hosting workshops, courses and hundreds of external user groups per year. A fully equipped wet-lab and three modern computer clusters, including a dedicated BioSAXS Beowulf Linux cluster, are available. Researchers from EMBL-Hamburg have access to a broad range of equipment, core facilities and state-of-the-art knowledge from other EMBL Units, in particular, to recently built Advanced Training Centre in Heidelberg.

Key persons
D. Svergun (Group Leader, with over 25 years experience in theory and practice of SAXS, 5%), M. Roessle (Project Leader, specialist in X-ray and neutron scattering, 5%),  M. Petoukhov (Staff Scientist with broad experience in SAXS and its joint use with NMR, 10%), C. Blanchet (Staff Member, expert in SAXS experiment, 10%).

Previous training programs and research
The BioSAXS group organizes regular EMBO practical courses on biological solution scattering (2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, approved for 2010), which are over five times oversubscribed.  The group is often asked to give SAXS courses at other sites (recent courses were run in Melbourne, Stanford, Singapore, Copenhagen, Villligen). We also contribute SAXS components to multidisciplinary events, including workshops, schools and practical courses worldwide (typically, 10-20 events per year). The BioSAXS group made pioneering developments in SAXS data analysis from macromolecular solutions, including IDPs, and the in use of SAXS together with NMR, and successfully applied them in numerous collaborative projects, in particular, for flexible macromolecules.





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IDP by NMR is a Marie Curie
activity funded under
FP7 people programme