Scientist-in-Charge B. Brutscher / M. Blackledge
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
41 rue Jules Horowitz
38027 Grenoble
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Short description about CNRS-IBS

The Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble is a joint research unit of the French funding agencies CNRS and CEA, as well as the University of Grenoble. The institute comprises 12 units with a total of about 230 researchers and students, performing interdisciplinary research at the interface of biology, chemistry, and physics. The major research focus is on the structure-function relationship of biomolecules, with particular emphasis on problems related to human health.

Scientific expertise in the field of fast multidimensional NMR data acquisition; analysis of NMR spectral parameters in terms of interchanging conformational ensembles of IDP. Joint training activities (on-site workshops and lectures). Leader of WP2.

Key competences and facilities
The CNRS-IBS houses a national and European high-field NMR facility. Other facilities include mass spectrometers, conventional and field emission gun electron cryo-microscopes, optical microscopes, analytical ultracentrifugation, automated platforms for protein expression and molecular biology, and crystalisation robots. The CNRS-IBS is also in charge of beam lines at the ESRF synchrotron and the ILL neutron reactor. The NMR groups headed by Drs. Blackledge and Brutscher are internationally recognized for their developments of advanced NMR methods for the characterization of biomolecular structure and dynamics.

Key persons
Bernhard Brutscher (research director, head of NMR laboratory), Martin Blackledge (research director, head of FDP group), Malene Ringkjobing-Jensen (researcher)

Previous training programs and research
CNRS-IBS has run Marie Curie training grants, and both M. Blackledge and B. Brutscher regularly participate in international EMBO training courses on experimental and analytical aspects of biomolecular NMR for PhD and postdocts. M. Blackledge has recently chaired and co-chaired two 2005 Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR. The CNRS-IBS has organized two training courses for liquid and solid state high field NMR at the Les Houches CNRS Physics School.




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IDP by NMR is a Marie Curie
activity funded under
FP7 people programme