Scientist-in-Charge Andrea Degen
EUrelations AG
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich
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Eurlations AG

Short description about EUREL

EUrelations AG is a private research management company based in Zurich, Switzerland dedicated to take the administrative burdens from highly skilled researchers and CEOs. Team members are former scientists from all over Europe, trained in IPMA project management, coaching and having intercultural skills. EUREL supports research teams to compose successful grant proposals and shares its knowledge by providing training on various topics relevant for a successful research career. In addition, EUREL is a partner in several EU FP6 and FP7 projects assisting the coordinators in the management and administration of the projects as well as participating in the dissemination activities. In June 2009, EUREL organised and hosted the “International Funding Forum” in Zurich on the two main topics: “How to get funds for research?” and “How to negotiate and administrate funds?”. More than 100 participants from all over Europe made this two-day event a success (

Provide training courses on complementary skills. Provide support to market the training courses and to accelerate networking among young scientist through existing social networking platforms.

Key competences and facilities
Grant Writing / Project Management / Training of researchers / Dissemination of research results

Key persons
Andrea Degen Iseli (Managing Director) qualified as a medical doctor, former National Contact Point for EU funded research in the area of the "Life sciences and food quality and -safety“, performed more than 200 training events all around fundraising for research in the life sciences. Benza Damir Banjac (Head Marketing) is a trained marketing specialist with more than 8 years of experience in the field of dialogue marketing, networking, below the line marketing, online marketing, sales, Daniel Baumann (Project Management): PhD in Systems Analysis and Resource Conservation. Certified Projects Director (IPMA Level A) and Senior Project Manager (IPMA Level B) Business mediator SGO, CEO of Swiss Project Management Association. Elisa Bortoluzzi Dubach (Fundraising at foundations, sponsors and patrons): PhD in Public Relations,. More than 20 years experience in consulting on sponsoring, foundations and communication Author of diverse books and articles in the field of sponsoring. Monika Clausen Biology studies and PhD Certified Coach. Johannes Ripperger (Research manager & Scientific writer). Taija Koskenkorva-Frank (Research manager & Scientific writer). Werner Wolf (Senior Advisor).

Previous training programs and research
20-40 Training courses per year about complementary skills for scientists at numerous universities all over Europe and for EU-NoE or IPs since 2005 ( Selected current project participations: EAST-NMR, (Combination of CP & CSA) Enhancing Access and Services to East European users towards an efficient and coordinated pan-European pool of NMR capacities to enable global collaborative research & boost technological advancements.; KAPPA-Health (CSA FP7-202008), Key Performance Factor Assessment and Valorisation for Successful EU-FP Project Participation of innovative SMEs in the Area of HEALTH. /

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IDP by NMR is a Marie Curie
activity funded under
FP7 people programme